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Board Of Directors Resolution Authorization Of Scholarship Aid Program


After it was duly moved, seconded, and discussed, the [Name of Corporation] Board of Directors unanimously adopted the following resolution:

WHEREAS the Board of Directors Compensation Committee has made a written recommendation, a copy of which is attached to the minutes of this meeting, that the Corporation establish an scholarship educational assistance program under which employee's children may receive educational scholarships from this Corporation, and

WHEREAS the Board of Directors concludes that such a program would enable the Corporation to attract and retain highly qualified, desirable employees, it is hereby:

RESOLVED that the "Scholarship Aid Plan" for the Benefit of the Children of the Employees of Corporation, recommended by the Compensation Committee is hereby adopted, and it is

FURTHER RESOLVED that the officers of this Corporation are hereby directed to take all steps necessary to implement the plan.

The undersigned, [Secretary of Corporation], certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the directors thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the Bylaws of said Corporation on [Date of resolution], and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have affixed my name as Secretary of [Name of Corporation] Corporation and have attached the seal of [Name of Corporation] Corporation to this resolution.

Dated: [Date signed]
